On June 16, 2022, the Deputy for Coordination of International Economic Cooperation, Edi Prio Pambudi accompanied by the Assistant Deputy for European African and Middle Eastern Cooperation, Fajar Wirawan, led the Meeting with the German Business Delegation in the Graha Sawala Room, Ali Wardhana Building, Office of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs. This meeting was held in order to welcome several CEOs and representatives of companies engaged in automotive, cosmetics, infrastructure, ports, medical devices, information technology, as well as trade and legal consultants from Germany led by the State Secretary of the German Ministry of Economy and Climate Action, Anja Hajduk.

This meeting with the German Business Delegation was the first meeting in a series of subsequent business meetings, namely the Indonesia – Germany Roundtable Business Meeting led by the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Airlangga Hartarto at the Indonesian Digital Industry Center (PIDI) 4.0, Jakarta on the same day. This series of meetings with business delegations from Germany was held on the sidelines of the state visit of German President Y.M. Frank-Walter Steinmeier to Indonesia.

At the Indonesia – Germany Roundtable Business Meeting, the Deputy for Coordination of International Economic Cooperation accompanied the Coordinating Minister for the Economy to discuss encouraging potential and partnerships in 3 (three) main areas, namely digitalization, infrastructure, and sustainability. Furthermore, at this meeting, both parties agreed to encourage the establishment of the Indonesia–Germany Joint Economic and Investment Committee as an effort to increase cooperation in the fields of economy, trade and investment.
Deputi Bidang Koordinasi Kerja Sama Ekonomi Internasional
Asisten Deputi Kerja Sama Ekonomi Eropa, Afrika, dan Timur Tengah