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Media Briefing Regarding Progress of Joint Credit Mechanism (JCM) Indonesia

On January 19, 2023, JCM Indonesia Secretariat which under coordination of the Deputy for International Economic Cooperation held a media briefing about the JCM implementation since the beginning of the cooperation in 2013.

Also was on stage, Co-Chair JC JCM, Ferry Ardiyanto and representatif from Japan Embassy, Hiroshi Nishimoto as speakers. In this media briefing, until 2022, there are 52 JCM projects in Indonesia consisting 48 from model projects, 3 demonstration projects and 1 JFJCM. JCM sector covers chiller, boiler, solar PV, biomass power plant, waste heat recovery, LED and geothermal.

Journalists are very enthusiastic about the presentation. especially during the discussion about JCM subsidy scheme such as Model Project which are 50% from total of project investment, Demonstration Project which support by METI Japan which can be over 50% from investment project and lastly Japan Fund for JCM which is a trust fund managed by Asian Development Bank (ADB) with the source of funding from Japanese Government.


Deputi Bidang Koordinasi Kerja Sama Ekonomi Internasional

Asisten Deputi Kerja Sama Ekonomi Multilateral

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