On Friday, 2 December 2022, a visit was made to Padjadjaran University Jatinangor, Sumedang - West Java, which was initiated by the Bureau of Communication, Information and Legal Services of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs in order to organize the National Seminar "Road to Indonesia's ASEAN Chairmanship in 2023".
In his opening remarks, Haryo Limansetyo as the Head of the Bureau of Communication, Information and Legal Services of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs proudly said that Indonesia had received the baton for the chairmanship of ASEAN 2023, and by carrying out this activity, he hoped that it can foster a sense of optimism and enthusiasm for ASEAN in academia.

Furthermore, the discussion was opened by the Deputy for International Economic Cooperation, Edi Prio Pambudi. In his greeting, Deputy Edi said that Indonesia is the only country that has joined 3 (three) major economic fora namely; G20, APEC, and ASEAN. Indonesia's unique position, of course, has a very important role as a bridge for various interests between regional countries to the global scope. These make Indonesia a global power that is capable of influencing global agendas such as food security, supply chain and security in the region. Indonesia will also raise 3 (three) main clusters on the priority agenda, namely recovery-rebuilding, digital transformation, and sustainability. This at the same time resonates with the agenda of Indonesia's G20 Presidency in 2022 and is expected to be able to make the ASEAN region a center of stable, peaceful growth and become the anchor of world economic stability.
"I hope that with this seminar we can formulate concrete policies from the Government to support the success of Indonesia's Chair in ASEAN 2023 and the public will become more familiar with ASEAN and support the agenda of Indonesia's Chair in ASEAN. I'm sure this seminar will present interesting discussions and enrich our shared insights," said Deputy Edi.
Furthermore, the presentation and discussion session was moderated by the Head of the Center for Security and International Studies at Padjadjaran University, Deasy Silvya Sari, and filled by a number of speakers who played an important role in Indonesia's Chairmanship 2023. These speakers included; Director of ASEAN Economic Cooperation for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Berlianto Situngkir, Assistant Deputy for Regional and Subregional Economic Cooperation: Ir. Netty Muharni, and Lecturer in the Department of International Affairs at Padjadjaran University: Teuku Rezasyah, Ph.D.
The implementation of the National Seminar "Road to Indonesia's ASEAN Chairmanship in 2023" went smoothly. Students also showed their enthusiasm in the question and answer session, and the discussions that took place between the speakers went well.
Deputy Ministry of International Economic Cooperation
Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs