Asisten Deputi Kerja Sama Ekonomi Amerika dan PasifikNov 16, 20222 minPartnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII) MeetingOn November 15, 2022, in the middle of Indonesia's G20 Presidency in Bali, the Deputy for International Economic Cooperation, Edi Prio...
-Sep 1, 20221 minEU-ASEAN Business Council Delegation Mission to Indonesia 2022 MeetingIn order to strengthen cooperation with private parties from major partner countries, on September 1, 2022, Deputy for Coordination of...
-Jun 17, 20221 minMeeting with German Business Delegation and Roundtable Business Meeting Indonesia-GermanOn June 16, 2022, the Deputy for Coordination of International Economic Cooperation, Edi Prio Pambudi accompanied by the Assistant Deputy...